D Day Pin badge
Empire Medals have kindly produced a Pin Badge for D-Day 80 - 6th June 2024, to assist in the Commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy, France, in a very simple and cost effective way, providing all those purchasing them with a unique opportunity to pay their personal ‘tribute’ to past family members involved in D-Day on 6th June 1944.
To open the document, please click onempiremedals.com twice, then click on it againonceto view, order and purchase a Badge.
Encourage family, friends and members of your Parish and Towns to purchase them too, enabling them to wear them with pride during the build up to D-Day 80, and on 6th June this year.
D-DAY 80 WEBSITE: If you go to the D-Day 80 website - www.d-day80beacons.co.uk you will also see how this Commemoration event has, and is, growing in size on a daily basis too.