It is now 8 years since the 'Friends' were formed to support Blueworks in the running of our local buses. Amazingly the buses are still running and that is due to the resilience of the company and their staff along with the wonderful continued support from the local community and local funding organisations.
From Sept. 9th (2022) a revised service began operating with some changes on the No.11 and X12 routes and a very slight change in timings on the X7 service.(*) By the time this newsletter is in circulation the timetables should be readily available in local communities or on the Blueworks and Friends websites and Facebook pages as well as the County Council website. (**)
The basis of the financing of these services is that the Friends fund services that run on Thursdays and Fridays and Blueworks themselves the ones on Mons. Tues. and Weds. but in addition the Friends are financing a new early afternoon service on the X70 Ulverston Town Service which should enhance the already successful morning service around the town run by Blueworks.
The changes have been introduced for two reasons;
1. To reduce costs on the X12 service between Ulverston and Coniston. Here two services have been merged into one.
2. To offer Coast Road passengers the opportunity to spend more time in Ulverston than previously. This will apply on Mondays and Thursdays. (***)
We would like to emphasise to everyone that there are many people on these routes who totally depend on the buses to maintain their independence. The climate crisis and the cost of living crisis must surely make us all think more carefully about our continued reliance on the car and that maybe we could try using the bus sometimes even if we do not depend on them. Travelling on these buses is usually a pleasant, sociable experience There is a reason why the buses are known as 'Happy Buses'.
For people who are eligible for a bus pass journeys will cost you nothing. For fee paying passengers we have below produced examples of the fares you might expect to pay; Adult Child
Day ticket (****) Single Return
Barrow-Ulverston £5.00 £2.70 £4.00
Bardsea-Ulverston £5.00 £2.00 £4.00
Aldingham-Barrow £5.00 £2.50 £4.00
Newbiggin-Barrow £5.00 £2.50 £4.00
Ulverston-Coniston £6.00 £4.50 £5.50
Blawith-Coniston £6.00 £2.50 £4.00
In addition to the revised timetable anyone living within a 6 mile radius of Ulverston and who is not on a bus route can now book a flexible service which must be booked the day before. Full details of this flexible service is being produced on a separate leaflet and should be available in the ways indicated above.
No.11 service runs between Barrow and Ulverston via the Coast Road (++)
X12 between Ulverston and Coniston
X7 between Coniston and Barrow via Torver, Broughton, and Askam
Blueworks website; www. Blueworks Taxis Ltd.
Friends of the X112 website; www. Friends of the X112
Friends of the X112 Facebook page; 'Friends of the X112'
County Council website; www. Cumbria.gov.uk/buses
(++) The major change from the previous timetable is the addition of an extra bus time on a Monday and Thursday on the No 11 service:
Mon; Leaves Ulvertson 09.20 Arrives Barrow 10.05
Leaves Barrow 10.05 Arrives Ulverston 10.50
Thurs; Leaves Ulverston 09.00 Arrives Barrow 09.38
Leaves Barrow 09.40 Arrives Ulverston 10.20
For people living along the Coast Road this will allow more time in Ulverston on Mon. and Thurs. than previously. ( 90 mins on Mon. and 2 hrs. on Thurs.) with the bus returning from Ulverston at 12.20. Likewise more time is made available in Barrow is using this new service.
For the 'Friends of the X112' to continue operating into the future we are going to need more people to get involved in our work than we have at the moment. If anyone has any time to spare and would like to join us to practically help in keeping our momentum moving forwards please contact us. (tel. 835712)