Friends of the Elderly- Grants for Older People
**Friends of the Elderly- Grants for Older People** Local Authorities can act as one of the specified referral agents
-The funding is intended to support older people living on low incomes in England and Wales.
-Four grant streams are available to help with home essentials, digital connection, financial support and essential living costs.
-The maximum grant value for Digital Connections, Home Essentials or Financial Support is £400, or £500 for households where two or more people are eligible for grants
-The maximum grant value for Essential Living Costs is £250.
-Who can apply
- Applications are only accepted from a Referral Agent who knows the older person in a professional or community capacity, including
housing associations, Local Authorities, charities, community organisations, social workers, advice providers, health centres, cultural and religious centres etc.
-A doctor/GP surgery can be a referrer, but only if they are willing to submit the application and follow through on its outcome.
The older person must be:
-Currently residing in England or Wales.
-In privately owned, privately rented, or social housing (not in residential care or a nursing home).
-Of UK state pension age.
-On a low income and with savings of less than £4,000.
-Have not served in the UK Armed Forces.