South Lakeland Poverty Truth Commission
Dear All,
You may have seen in the local press or through other sources that there is a new project aiming to develop a Poverty Truth Commission here in South Lakeland. Information can be found here or on the attached flier.
The two new project officers, Lois and Stella, are keen to visit community groups and for the word to be spread on what they are trying to achieve. If you are able to display a poster or distribute flyers within your area/organisation, or would like to find out more, then please make contact with Lois or Stella on the emails shown below.
Many thanks,
South Lakeland Area Support
If your organisation – or someone you know – might be interested in taking a small supply of flyers or is able to use the recruitment side of the flyer as a poster on their noticeboards, please let us know and we’ll drop them round.
Thank you,
Lois & Stella
Additional Documents
South Lakeland Poverty Truth Commission.pdf